sábado, 6 de março de 2010

Growing (the right ) extremism in the U.S.

After the election of Obama, growing extremism in the U.S..

Annual report shows hostility to the policies of the White House.

Marlília Martins - correspondent for O Globo newspaper.

The text that was published in O GLOBO news in-print on page 38 the Editors THE WORLD this day.

NEW YORK. The U.S. is experiencing a surge of hatred as an increase of extremist groups and militias that are directed by anger at the economic crisis, the hostility to Washington's policies, hate crime and the increasing propaganda of conspiracy against U.S. dominance and the " network installation of socialism in the heart of America. " This is the result of a report released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), one of the most prominent civil rights in the U.S., which follows exactly the growth of "groups with patriotic action discriminataória.

According to the report, an increase of 250%, with more than 500 groups preaching racism and calling for freedom to carry weapons. The kind of racist skinheads are the group with the biggest increase among Americans, escpecialmente in the southern U.S., especially Texas, Georgia and the South Carolina

Conspiracy theories speak of global conspiracy.

According to the document there was also a significant increase in the number of sites that are protesting against the government, doing skits with a picture of Obama and preach hatred against blacks so violent. On these sites, conspiracy theories speak of a "global conspiracy" to impose socialism and increase the size of the state at the expense of individual freedoms and the rights of whites. There are also call-ups to large public manifestation in Washington in April in support of total liberation of bearing arms.

Obama appears on the face of the Joker from the movie "Batman" and his government appears as part of an "Evil Empire". These groups are provomento rallies in the protests against Obama appear in posters saying qu "the tree of liberty must be watered with blood of tyrants."

- Signs of political radicalization are producing impressive numbers on the increase of groups that preach hate and divisiveness. We recorded more than 136 new anti-immigrant groups, including militias who carry weapons. If we add the racist groups, and defense of white supremacy, with so-called "patriotic militia," which are organizations that preach hatred against immigrants in general, have a total of 926 new groups only in 2009, spread over 28 states. It is an alarming increase, especially when one considers that the dissatisfaction is fueled now by the economic crisis - said Mark Potoc, the SPLC.

The researcher adds that it's conspiracy theories are also being spread by conservative radio programs, which replicate the glowing of speakers with nationally known to Rush Limbaugh, host of the Rush Limbugh Show, one of the highest rating of U.S. radio, broadcast on Premiere Radio Networks, and Glenn Beck, one of the main speakers of FOX NEWS, the most conservative broadcaster in the U.S.. The group recently joined Lou Bobbs, former host of CNN, which now also has a radio show of protest against immigrants.

Maria da Penha Vieira opinion:

The journalist who signs, Mrs. Martins Marlília - do not know if is related to the communist Franklin Martins - journalism is easy and doubtful. Easy because it has support only in the Report of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Doubtful because the journalist directs the reader to believe only what is offered without the necessary checks and confrontation with the opposing party. The famous right of appeal.

It is true many of the claims, as the number of conservative sites, it is true about the movements of resistance to deployment of the socialist / communist in the country. If the passions are on this side of the American conservative right it is still nothing in terms of organization as they do the criminal organizations of the Left. These, like ACORN that has branches in Brazil with no representation and activism; whose stocks brazilian journalists dare not reporting on.
The sanctity and untouchability of Left organizations like the Central Única de Favelas, the MST, the Central Union of workers are presented as the tabernacle of the struggle for democracy in Communist power.

We believe that O GLOBO newspaper is losing money to keep a correspondent in the United States, when better and more real news is published on the Internet and Twitter.

Obama made his false promises because they know the American people and their history of bravery in defense of freedom and the principles of the Constitution of that country. This is why one can not doubt that the American people have reason to require the display of the Birth Certificate of President Obama. If Obama shows signs of ignoring the American people, he certainly is not one of them.

Após a eleição de Obama, cresce o extremismo dentro dos EUA.
Relatório anual mostra a hostilidade às políticas da Casa Branca.

Marlília Martins - Correspondente do Jornal O GLOBO.

NOVA YORK. Os EUA estão vivendo um surto de ódio como aumento de grupos extremistas e de milícias que orientam-se pela raiva diante da crise econômica, pela hostilidade às políticas de Washington, pelo ódio racial e pela crescente propaganda de teorias conspiratórias contra o predomínio americano e a "intalação do socialismo no coração da América". Este é o resultado de um relatório divulgado hoje pelo Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), um dos grupos mais proeminentes de defesa dos direitos civis nos EUA, que acompanha exatamente o crescimento de "grupos patrióticos com ação discriminataória".

Segundo o relatório, houve aumento de 250%, com mais de 500 grupos pregrando o racismo e pedindo livre porte de armas. Os racistas do tipo skinheads são o grupo que mais aumentou entre americanos, escpecialmente nos estados do sul dos EUA, com destaque para o Texas, a Geórgia e para a Carolina do Sul.

Teorias conspiratórias falam de complô mundial.

De acordo como documento houve aumento também expressivo no número de sites que protestam contra o governo, fazendo sátiras com a figura de Obama e que pregam o ódio contra negros, de forma violente. Nesses sites, teorias conspiratórias falam de um "complô mundial" para impor o socialismo e aumentar o tamanho do Estado em detrimento das liberdades individuais e dos direitos dos brancos. Há também convocações para grande manisfestação pública em  Washington no mês de abril em defesa da liberação total do porte de armas.

Obama aparece com a cara do Coringa do filme "Batman" e seu governo aparece como parte de um "Evil Empire". Esses grupos estão provomento comícios em que os protestos contra Obama aparecem em cartazes dizendo qu "a árvore da liberdade precisa ser regada com sangue de tiranos".

-- Os sinais de radicalização política estão produzindo números impressionantes no aumento de grupos que pregam o divisionismo e o ódio. Registramos mais de 136 novos grupos contra imigrantes, incluindo milícias que andam armadas. Se somarmos os grupos racistas, ou de defesa da supremacia branca, com as chamadas "milicias patrióticas", que são organizações que pregam ódio contra imigrantes em geral, teremos um total de 926 novos grupos apenas em 2009, espalhados por 28 estados americanos. É um aumento alarmante, especialmente quando se leva em conta que a insatisfação é alimentada neste momento pela crise econômica - avalia Mark Potoc, do SPLC.

O pesquisador acrescenta que s teorias conspiratórias estão sendo também espalhadas por programas de rádios conservadores, que replicam o tom inflamado de locutores conhecidoso nacionalmente com Rush Limbaugh, apresentador do Rush Limbugh Show, um dos programas de maior audiência do rádio nos EUA, veiculado na Premiere Radio Networks, e de Glenn Beck, um dos principais locutores da FOX NEWS, a maior emissora de TV conservadora nos EUA. Ao grupo juntou-se recentemente Lou Bobbs, ex apresentador da CNN, que atualmente tem também um programa de rádio de protesto contra imigrantes.

The news below is what is the website of the O Globo online, on this day, Saturday, 06 March 2010.

RIO - Activists from the extreme American right may be taking advantage of the moment of economic recession and the election of the first african-american president in the United States to recruit new members, points to a report by the Department of Homeland Security in coordination with the FBI, the FBI. The study, published in the last 7 days, compares the current phase to 90 years, when the far-right resurgence "fueled by an economic recession, criticism of the loss of jobs to other countries and notable threat to American power and sovereignty by forces foreign ", according to CNN.

Although the document that it had no information about possible acts of violence planned by terrorists of the extreme right, he warns of the possibility of problems such as unemployment and limited supply of credit "to create an environment conducive to the recruitment of activists of the extreme right and to result in clashes between groups and government authorities.

Obama's election could be reflected in growth of extremist groups

The election of Barack Obama for U.S. president is treated in the report as a key tool for recruiting new members of groups of extreme right. "Many right-wing extremists are antagonistic toward the new administration of the country and its position on various issues including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to reach minorities and restrictions on purchase and use of firearms."

The report adds that on two occasions during the 2008 presidential race "extremists seemed to be the early stages of plans against the Democratic nominee, but were stopped.

The proposed restrictions on weapons is cited as another factor that can make groups of the extreme right won new fans and even able to recruit veterans.

Anti-Semitism is also addressed in the report, saying that some groups have blamed the loss of jobs in the United States and the mortgage crisis to a "deliberate conspiracy led by Jewish financial elite" as an attempt to recruit new members.

The report adds that "lone wolves and small terrorist cells" are those representing the greatest terrorist threat to the country - a low profile makes it more difficult to intervene.

An official of the Department of Homeland Security explained that the publication does not represent an attempt to suppress freedom of expression. "There is no connection between extremists are cited in the report and conservative policy analysts, activists, voters," he said.

But the explanation did not convince the radio host Roger Hedgecock, who said that if the report had been prepared by the Bush administration, the impact was different.

- If the Bush administration had done it (a report) on the extreme left, the press would treat differently.

In January, the Obama administration has launched a first alert about the extremists on the left. Both reports began to be developed during the administration of former President George W. Bush.